Just a quick update on my local 1850
tournament and how it went. I took the usual SoD list,
Sammy corvex
Libby Auspex, bike, PFG Divenation for
RCS Apothecary, Champ, SoD,
2 6 man RAS plain
1 3 man RAS 2 meltas
RSS 3 Typhoons with Hbs
Devestators with 3 Flakk ML
Aegis Line with Quad Gun.
1st Game normal Dawn of War
deployment Emperor's will and Kill points
nid list
flying hive tyrant with devourer
2 20 man devourer gaunt squads
1 10 man bare gaunts
2 squads of 3 zoans
2 fexs with devourers.
prime with warrior brood of 4
I got first turn and scouted up..Then
of course as my luck goes he seized on me.. His 1st zoanthrope brood
used their small blast power. He got all 3 off with no deny the witch
from myself. All 3 scattered perfectly to get 12 hits and 8 wounds
on my black knight squad..well there gone.. Second zoan brood at my
Command squad.. Gets 8 hits after scatter and does 6 wounds.. even
after FNP.. libby and standard are dead.. game just went down hill
from there and I got tabled in the 6th turn. I did end up killing 2
of the devoursquads and Sammy and the comand squad killed both zoan
squads after a rad and plasma shots and a double charge. and his
warlord and warrior brood. so 26pts to my zilch.
Game 2
mix guard list.
2 chimeras
2 Russes with demolisher cannons .
Lots and Lots of guardsman with heavy
weapon teams.
Vendetta w vets
10 man rough rider squad (odd and was
like really)
.Hammer and Anvil depoyment I think
it's called (short edge to short edge).Mission KP's and Scouring..
first turn scouted up. Then moved and brought the pain..dice started
out hot hot hot. Targeted a 30 man blob with the first RAS shot my
24 shots..after twin linked had 20 hits then did 15 wounds.. after
his cover saves 12 guardsman where dead and ran away at the end of
the shooting phase. Targeted his 10 man blob with the other and wiped
them all. The black knights shot his first rought rider squad and
killed all but two. Quad gun and missiles shot at the first russ and
got 2 hull points and immobile result. His 1st turn he
moved up the other Russ and shot and killed 4 RAS bikes form the
first squad. And he tried to charge the black knights with the last
two rough riders and over watched to death..
My second turn both MMAB
came in and proceed to do nothing the rest of the game..only rolled
ones all game to hit..(A sign to what was coming.) Game went back and
forth. In the 3rd turn his Vendetta cam on and I
intercepted it down and it crashed killing the 10 vets inside..and
guess where it crashed..Right on top of a combat..with Sammy and the
RCS against a blob squad..and proceed to kill Sammy by taking his
last wound and the Apothecary.. leaving the Champ and Libby.. End of
the game in the 6th and he got me on objectives and slay
the warlord, I got KP's First blood and Line breaker.. Battle points
were 14 to12 in my favor Now 1 win 1 loss.
Game 3 Blob guard again...
2 20 blob with HWT auto
3 10 man squads with HWT one auto's on
lascannon one plain
2 3 man HWT auto and one lascannon
3 Basilisks
10 Rough riders...(2 in a row odd)
2 Hellhounds
He also had some commissar or two in
there somewhere.
Dawn of war deployment and moddified
Big guns with KP's Objectives were having a scoring unit completely
in a terrain piece. I got the effect reserve DA warlord trait And
Night fight. He won the role to go first and gave me first turn. He
also deployed the bassies in one corner and the manticore in the
other...Shrug ok works for me. He then attempted to seize and failed.
I decided to focus on the HWT, and rough riders at first and was
going to let my MMAB and 3 man squad work on the tanks. Usual scout
up then first turn movement I shot the first RAS at the auto HWT and
killed them all, Second at the Las and killed them all, Black Knights
vaporized the Rough Riders. His return fire was enefective and killed
one knight and 2 RAS bikers he tried the bassies at the knights and
scatterred away on all 3. The manticore shot and only killed 2 bikers
from the second squad after saves. My second turn both MMAB show up
and the 3 man squad does as well do to reserve manipulation. Attack
bike and 3 man pop the bassies in shooting leaving only one with no
cannon on it. The manticore got a stunned result.. Black knights shot
at one 20 man blob squad killed 8 after cover saves and the ran since
the commissar died from shooting. Both RAS shot at the 10 mans and
killed over half of each after cover saves and assaulted to sweep
them. RCS, Libby, and Sammy took on the other blob squad and killed
them out right in shooting and assault. Typhoons shot and blew up a
hellhound and the devs stunned the other. His turn he shot and
charged at the RCS and sam and libby. I killed 3 in overwatch and
killed the rest in CC including yarrik who failed to get back up. At
the end of the game I had KP's warlord, FB, Linebreaker. We pushed on
objectives and he had linebreaker from a ccs he walked across the
field the whole time. 21 Pts to 7 my favor. 2-1 now.
Game 4
Sorcerer Mvl3 terminator armor
6 man Noise Marines w Rhino
2x 6 man Noise Marines
5 Terminators
5 possessed
Forge fiend.
Vanguard Strike deployment and
Crusade. Now I just want to say this guy. I think was new to the
tournament scene or something..but He was trash talking the S@!t to
me..and was questioning my deployment saying he would do it this way
or that way as well as wanting to exactly mesure if my aegis was 3 in
from terrain when it was at least a good 5.and wanting me to do a
Dangerous terrain during my scout..it's a redeployment..he also said
he didn't fear my list and it looked weak and He wins all the time
with this list at his local club = Not happy dice gods.. I win the
roll for first and scout per the norm. He deployed one noise marines
in terrain to the left one in a ruin on the right, rhino behind a los
blocking hill with Lucius and noise marines inside the forge fiend
behind a hill for cover and the possessed in the open.. Sorcerer with
terminators to deep strike. He failed to seize.
My Turn 1RAS 1 targets the noise
marines in ruins and kills them all. After 21 hits and 17 wounds. RAS
2 targets the possessed and kills all but 3 after saves. The Black
knights kill all of the noise marines in the left terrain. RCS shoots
and takes a wound from the possed champ since he got one on the boon
table at start of game. Typhoons shoot and blow up the forge fiend.
So he has a rhino with lucius 6 noise marines inside and 3 possessed
left. His turn one. He moves the rhino over the hill jumps out Lucius
and his squad and flamer and kills 4 black knights. The possessed
charge the RAS lose the champ to over watch. And wiffs in combat and
I don't do anything back hit and run out..
My turn 2, everything comes on his
short edge. Black knights kill 4 noise marines in shooting leaving
Lucius and 2 noise marines left. RAS 1 shoots at Lucius and he
absorbs all of the shots with look out sir and the noise marines
making saves. RAS 2 shoots and kills possessed. Typhoons kill the
rhino, RCS, Sammy and Libby light up Lucius and his squad and kill
them all. He has nothing on the table.. He rolls reserves termies and
sorcerer don't come in. His heldrake comes on and immediately gets
intercepted and blown out of the sky. I extend my hand to him..he
refuses the think the game is over. I politely tell him he has no
models on the table at the end of his turn. He's tabled. Still
refuses to believe me..I show him in the rule books where it says so.
He refuses the hand shake and literally throws his models in his bag
and storms out.. I got General since I wasn't all the way painted but
would have got overall if I was fully painted. Difference of 40
dollars in loot..But won 50 bucks and picked up some more black
Nice turn around after game one. Too bad about the last guy, def. some issues there.